Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Man In My Heart By Anita Sneed-Carter

Let me first admit that prior to reading this book I assumed that it would run me off from reading it. Aware of the fact that Anita Sneed-Carter is a minister, I assumed that the content of this book through out its entirety would be over populated with redundant biblical scriptures and an unentertaining plot. The Man in my Heart is anything but that. This novel gets down to nitty-gritty IMMEDIATELY. From the beginning of the story you are instantly pulled into the life of Valeesa, a woman on her way to walking down the isle. Despite of discernment and her intuition kicking in to provide all the signs she desperately needs to take heed to, she makes a conscious decision to proceed with the wedding. Like any other woman in the world as, Jill Scott stated it best on her last album, "Ms. Jackson just wants to be loved." Unfortunately like many women who make some not so smart choices and decisions when it comes to love, she finds herself constantly getting burned over and over again. As a result, this poor baby had to hit rock bottom. However with maturation and accepting full responsibility for the role that she assumed for making unhealthy relationship choices, she comes to realize and fully understands that we as mere mortals and women are not in control when it comes to finding a soul mate. That is the role of the heavenly father and the coming of the two is a whole lot more than finances, outer appearances, and intimacy. I love this book because it is so true to life and as a single woman I could truly relate. This book would not only be a great book for individuals desiring to gain spiritual awareness. It could greatly serve as an excellent support guide for single weary women everywhere who truly need to know and understand that the true man of their hearts will comes from the creator. A job well done Minister Anita Sneed-Carter.

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