Sunday, March 8, 2015

Adra's Review on Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Unfortunately in this world, people often get a kick out of seeing others not succeed.  The remaining portion rarely cares either way.   Most of us in life have dreams and aspirations to leave an unforgettable mark upon this planet prior to passing on. Too many times, we placed the role of faith towards our goals in the wrong hands.  As humans, we become so indulge with what other people may feel or believe about our ideas that we neglect or fail to realize that it all starts from within.
Many of us have amazing gifts that are needed to be shared with the world however; listening to other people, inner fear, insecurities, and lack of self-worth prevents us from pressing the start button.  We allow our minds and the company that we keep to convince us that what we have to offer simply isn’t worth the effort.  In laments terms, we simply just don’t believe in ourselves.

For those suffering from anything listed above or what I refer to as “the adversary,” I recommend you read this book.  From the beginning to the end, it provides the mental medicine one needs to retrain your thoughts for the better.  For those who ever thought that the images seen in their heads showing visualizations of manifested careers, or businesses were purely a glimpse of untouchable reason, this indeed is not the case. This was simply an unproductive thought from your mind telling you that it was unobtainable.  In-fact, the late Dr. Joseph Murphy states the following in the Make Your Dreams Come True Chapter of this read, “Imagination is the mighty instrument used by great scientist, artist, physicist, inventors, architects, and mystics.  When the world said, “It is impossible; it can be done,” the man with the imagination said, it is done!

For those needing to either build or rebuild inner confidence, read Believe in Yourself.  Never put your hopes and dreams into anyone else’s hands to create it.  The inner ability to achieve whatever you want out of life start’s within yourself.  Lastly the key to it all starts with the initial trusting and moving on a positive thought evolving from the inside aiming towards the outer for the greater good of all.

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