Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Here’s my Review on McDuffie’s All About Puberty: What Every Pre-Teen and Teenage girl should know.

As a young lady making the transformation from girl to teenager, I was blessed to have both a mom and aunts explain to me some of the changes my body would take me through. I’ve come to find that in most cases these type of conversations rarely take place home or not at all. A lot of young females today are faced with figuring out the “puberty phase” on their own.   
Deciding to pose the topic to women with daughters, as it turns out, some had had the “puberty talk” with their girls yet; there were others who found the topic too sensitive to address.   The reality is that in life, some moms might have that “puberty talk’ while others will choose to not.  Sadly, many young ladies on this planet will never have that person to talk to about this vital phase of their lives.   This is why books such as this one are needed now more than ever.    McDuffie does an excellent job at breaking down the various phases of “female puberty” along with the signs and indicators to look for. 

To be honest, there were some things that I learned from this book that I myself as an adult female was simply unaware off. Thanks to this read, I now know the correct way to measure for a true bra cup size.   For those parents just too shy or afraid to have that “puberty talk” with your daughter,  get a copy of McDuffie’s book and let it do all the explaining for you.  For those moms that have already addressed this topic with your girls…grab the book anyway.  Due to the female body being so complicated, there may be something enclosed in McDuffie’s book that you unintentionally failed to share or address relating to puberty.   


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